Brining a kosher turkey
"Jack Schidt®" writes:
>"PENMART01" wrote:
>"pavane" writes:
>> >They are moistened then rubbed with dry salt, allowed to
>> >sit for an hour or so in a moist salt-coated environment,
>> >then rinsed off and dried. The effect is virtually the
>> >same although the technique is indeed different. This is
>> >probably not worth a semantic quibble. To all extents
>> >and purposes a kosher bird is considered to be brined.
>> Absolutely.
>> The brining effect from an hour kashering with pure salt is more
>> than from sitting in weak pish vasser brine for days... unless the goal is
>> fermented meat the Judaic kashering process is far superiour to goyishe
>> in every respect.
> just gives me the heebie jeebies!
>Jack Schlemiel
noun plural
Etymology: coined by Billy DeBeck €*1942 American cartoonist
Date: 1923
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