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Default I love rotten food

Nancy Young wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
> >
> > "Nancy Young" > wrote in message

> > > Holy crow. No pun intended. Got the dog to bark at them and they
> > > took off (yeah, like Rascal could get on the roof). They took off,
> > > blocked out the sun and the whoosh whoosh whoosh of their wings
> > > practically sucked up the atmosphere.

> > The birds although quite ugly are some of the most beautiful "soaring" birds
> > I have ever seen. They can glide on the gentlest breeze for hours barely
> > moving their wings and almost never flapping them.

> I've been watching them the past couple of days. I don't know why
> they are hanging around now except it's deer running into car season,
> here. They really are graceful. The vultures and the deer.
> Now, if only the deer would stop hitting my car every year, I might
> not be in danger of losing my car insurance.
> nancy

You may try installing "deer whistles" on your front bumper.
They are not 100% effective, but are supposed to help.....

Wal-Mart has them in the automotive section.

I feel your pain! I've hit a deer 3 times so far, and done major damage
twice. I increased my co-pay to $400.00 and they backed off.

Thank goodness that the Texas white tails are not much bigger than a
large goat. 150 lbs. for a large buck.

During hunting season, I've learned to simply slow down when I know that
I'm in an area where there are deer, and that includes the suburban area
within 1 block of my house! There was a small, young, road killed buck
about 100 ft. down the road from my driveway a couple of weeks ago. :-(


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