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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Eatin' good tonight

Gary wrote:
>The other night I finally cooked one of steaks that
>were gifted to me. Box of 4 12oz vacuum-sealed kansas city strip
>steaks about 1" thick. I'm guessing that KC strip steaks are the same
>as NY strip steaks???
>I let them warm up in some worchestershire sauce,

Why did you soak those steaks in worchestershire sauce, did they smell

>then pressed into both sides:
>-garlic powder
>-fresh cracked pepper
>-kosher salt

You forgot the oregano, rosemary, and dillweed.

>Pan seared each side then continued to cook briefly to medium-rare.
>Threw in some onions halfway during the cooking. After steak was done,
>I added some water to deglaze the pan and finish the onions.
>Served with a large baked potato, fresh corn, a little chunky
>applesauce and the reduced onion deglazed mix over the steak and
>It was a good meal.

What, no Heinz red?

With all those added ingredients you would have done much better to
use sale priced preground mystery meat for a meat loaf and served that
pricey steak raw to your ferret, at least it would be appreciated. LOL