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Harry wrote:

> Nice to see a keener trying new stuff.
> Placing a water pan over the coals only accomplishes the making of hot
> water. It does NOT accomplish humidity nor tenderness.

Okay, then I won't do it anymore -- or at least I'll try it without the
water and see if it makes a difference. But if the water is contributing
steam to the interior of the cooking enclosure, how is it NOT accomplishing

> Water pans are better placed under the meat so as you don't get
> flare-ups. Folks ECB's also use them as temperature stabilizers, but
> your machine is gas powered and you don't need a water pan for *that*
> purpose.

Well, since the meat isn't over the fire, there's really very little danger
of a flare-up. But you've erred in one respect; the grill isn't gas-powered,
it's all charcoal and wood. I maintain the temperature by adding coals and
wood periodically and by tweaking the vents. I suspect the water pan helps
with that also.

> Have a look at 'Smoke and Spice' - it's a pretty good bible.

Thanks for the recommendation. I just looked at it on Amazon, and I'll
probably buy it after thinking about it for a while.
