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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Eatin' good tonight

William wrote:
>Gary wrote:
>>I still have 3 of these KC strip steaks left.
>>Tomorrow, I'm cooking another one and will cut it into three 4oz
>>pieces just to experiment with the taste.

Since they've been frozen they'd be best ground and made into burgers
or meat loaf, I'm serious... once tender steak has been frozen it is
no longer considered nor can it be sold in the US as fresh beef,
freezing will reduce it by one or even two USDA grades because when
thawed it'll lose much of its juices (freezing ruptures the cell
walls). I don't know how these mail order beef companys get away with
calling their product "Fresh Beef", perhaps nowhere in their ads do
they refer to it as "Fresh Beef". I would suggest slapping those
steaks onto a hot pan while still half frozen (do not fully defrost)
and cook quickly to rare, they'll retain more of their juices... and
do not salt until plated (salt is a desiccant). Adding all those
herbs is dumb unless you're going to braise those steaks... beef steak
is supposed to taste like beef, not rosemary/pinesol... I wouldn't add
pepper either, add freshly ground pepper after plating... cooked
pepper is not freshly ground anymore... in fact surface pepper (and
especially herbs) heated to high pan temperature develops a nasty
burned flavor. The only seasoning I'd add would be after cooking when
plated, a light brushing of unsalted butter and a smidge of kosher
salt with a grind of black pepper, nothing else belongs on a good
steak. I never buy salted butter, salted butter is old stock...
adding salt to butter is from the days before refrigeration, the salt
was added as a preservative. There's actually a relatively large
quantity of salt contained in salted butter, nearly a tablespoon per
pound, some brands more. To me salted butter doesn't taste like fresh
butter... add your own salt.

>humm, what's the difference between a Kansas City Strip Steak and a
>New York Strip Steak? The location of your butcher?

Not really butcher location, has mostly to do with price commanded...
NY style anything generally commands a higher price (how much would
you pay for a Ferguson strip steak) , but there's really no diffence
in the cut, the different names for the same cut are probably more a
matter of personal bias. Personally I don't care for any boneless
steak, to me a boneless steak is no more a steak than a boneless pork
chop is a chop, they are most definitely not, they are beef/pork
fillets.. and once a cut is off the bone it can no longer be
accurately ID'd, can't tell from where on the section it's derived or
even from which section... that boneless strip steak Koko displayed
sure doesn't look to me like it came from the short loin... actually
without a drop of moistness/meat juice on the plate it looks exactly
like one of those molded plastic food display mock-ups, probably why
she didn't cut into it... one can buy mock-up foods from educational
Koko's steak:
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