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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default The Most Famous Vegetable Dish?

On Wed, 13 May 2015 08:53:50 -0400, William > wrote:

> What is the one Vegetable dish that stands out in your mind as being
> the most favored at family gatherings?

You need to know your audience and how picky they are, not what my
family will or won't eat.

My method for taking items anywhere is (depending on the size of the
gathering) to bring between 4-8 servings, but never more than 8 and
always make it something I wouldn't mind eating at home if there was
any left over. That said, what I brought would depend on the occasion
- but it's always something that tastes good at room temperature. A 5
bean salad is good for outdoor food and corn salad of some type always
goes over well. I would substitute cilantro for parsley in this

Ratatouille is a little fancier but still easy and can be served warm
or room temperature (inside or out).

