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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default The Most Famous Vegetable Dish?

Boron Elgar wrote:
>William > wrote:
>>What is the one Vegetable dish that stands out in your mind as being
>>the most favored at family gatherings?

>Let's get real - mashed potatoes.

Let's get really real, for the vast majority rice dishes beat out
spuds 100:1. Most Asians have never seen a potato... very few
Hispanics eat potatoes, the vast majority eat rice, corn, and beans...
also peppers of all types... Hispanics don't eat pasta either, they
much prefer plantains. I lived in a predominently Hispanic hood and
was invited to cookouts/dinners often, never saw a potato served in
any form... in fact Hispanic produce markets don't display many
potatoes, however they display many starchy vegetables that I've no
idea how to properly cook, some huge hairy things. Asian produce
markets the same, no spuds, or hardly any. I prepare potatoes but
rarely mashed, I prefer baked, fried, or plain boiled served whole. In
the US more potatoes are served french fried than all other ways
combined... name one fast food burger joint that has mashed on its
menu.... maybe some obsure fast food joint but likely in the deep
south, that's where the redneck trailer trash love their mashed,
actually whipped.