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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default The Most Famous Vegetable Dish?

On 13 May 2015 14:47:48 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2015-05-13, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> I don't consider a starch, a tuber, as a vegetable even though they
>> are botanically.

>So, it's a fruit/nut/grain!?
>I doubt you'll find anyone in this assemblage who will agree.

Botanically there is no question. In everyday use, I'm sure there
will be both sides.

It is a nightshade vegetable plant organ. Typically served as a
starch carbohydrate, just as you would bread.

In common use, it is often not included with vegetables in meals. Some
restaurants will state something like, "comes with mashed potatoes and
your choice of vegetable"

From those more knowledgeable than I am:
The potato belongs to the Solanaceae or nightshade family whose other
members include tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatillos. They are
the swollen portion of the underground stem which is called a tuber
and is designed to provide food for the green leafy portion of the
plant. If allowed to flower and fruit, the potato plant will bear an
inedible fruit resembling a tomato.

Lots of information at that above site if you want to do some reading.
Such as:

The potato skin is a concentrated source of dietary fiber, so to get
the most nutritional value from this vegetable, don't peel it and
consume both the flesh and the skin. Just scrub the potato under cold
running water right before cooking and then remove any deep eyes or
bruises with a paring knife. If you must peel it, do so carefully with
a vegetable peeler, only removing a thin layer of the skin and
therefore retaining the nutrients that lie just below the skin.