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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Smoking on a gas grill

On Wed, 13 May 2015 19:29:20 -0400, wrote:

>Okay, after years of grilling, I want to try smoking food on my gas grill. I kow
>I can buy wood chips, soak them, put them in an aluminum pan with a cover with
>holes punched in it for the smoke, but...
>What would be the best thing to try to smoke for my maiden voyage into this
>realm? Chicken, pork, beef? And are there certain woods that go better with
>certain meats?
>I can probably find recipes by Googling, but I'd like to get some first hand
>experience if I could.

Best smoked chicken I ever ate was at Bryan's house years ago. We were
in Bryan's back yard grilling chicken on a nothing-but-hickory-wood
fire on a Weber kettle grill, I think. We were also drinking a lot of
beers, so our attention to the grill fire and production of hickory
coals fr5om that fire was marginal at best, resulting in a VERY long
cooking time as Bryan fiddled with the fire in between beers. Must've
taken about 4 maybe 5 hours before we considered the chicken done, and
YUM!!!! Hickory-smokiest most delicious chicken BBQed smoked chicken I
ever ate!!

Remember Bryan? It's those kind of memories that make me miss my
friend Bryan. And we have MANY more wonderful and a few contentious
memories that we share. As old friends always do! Please get sopme
good therapy and maybe someday we can start making new "old memories"

The door's always open. YOU just have to step through it!

John Kuthe...