On 5/13/2015 6:54 PM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 6:44:09 PM UTC-5, W. Lohman wrote:
>> On 5/13/2015 5:29 PM, wrote:
>>> Okay, after years of grilling, I want to try smoking food on my gas grill. I kow
>>> I can buy wood chips, soak them, put them in an aluminum pan with a cover with
>>> holes punched in it for the smoke, but...
>>> What would be the best thing to try to smoke for my maiden voyage into this
>>> realm? Chicken, pork, beef? And are there certain woods that go better with
>>> certain meats?
>> Whatever you like.
>> Chicken - always go indirect heat (apple chips).
> Cherry and peach are nice for chicken too, though I pretty much always
> sauce chicken. To paraphrase the Jeep saying; Maull's, it's a St. Louis
> thing. You wouldn't understand.
I do agree on the fruit woods.
>> Pork, indirect to start, then finish over direct for bark (Jack Daniels
>> whiskey barrel chips).
> No thank you to whisky in any form. You can have my share.
It's in the wood, not for sipping!
>> Beef - what kind?
>> For beef I like oak and sometimes mesquite chips.
>> Pecan is genius on any of these if you can source it, cherry too.
> No mention of hickory, which is pretty similar to pecan.
> --Bryan
That too, hard to go wrong with hickory, especially low and slow.
No cedar!