On 5/13/2015 8:07 PM, Frothty the Lohman wrote:
> "W. Lohman" wrote in message ...
>> On 5/13/2015 6:18 PM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
>>> I'd never smoke over oak.
>> It's traditional in MO. bbq.
>> http://www.twinoakwoodfired.com/
> That’s your cite, a pizza joint? Ahhhhhhhhhahahaaaaaaaaa...
That's your reading comprehension again?
> You have no idea what's traditional in MO.
You hate it when I count coup on yer turf, sissy!
> Real athoritative there, Boneless.
All of our meats are slow cooked in our wood-burning smokers! Choice
cuts of meat are basted with our signature barbecue sauce and smoked
over selected hardwoods, including Red Oak.
Equally important, said Willis, was the availability of hardwoods. The
entire area was forested in hickory, as well as oak, pecan, apple, and
other flavoring woods.