Grilled Beer Bratties
On 2015-05-14 8:46 AM, sf wrote:
>> Even the majority of the
>> retired folks (and that's most of them, I believe) are too lazy to whip up
>> fresh mayo
> Lazy is not the correct terminology. Thrifty, yes.
Consider the source of the comment... a bitter old fruitcake.
> I am not
> interested in wasting an entire egg and a cup of oil so I can have 1t
> of mayo to slather on a piece of bread and then throw the rest away
> because I have no other use for it.
That is the way I see it. I have whipped up mayonnaise when I needed
enough that it would be used up, and a couple times when I needed it and
had nothing on hand, but then I had to make a point of using it up
before it went bad. I don't use a lot of mayo. In the last month I had
used mayo only once, slapping some on a sandwich that had tomato in it.
Only a twisted little brain like Bryan's would consider it laze not to
make a whole batch of mayo in order to use a little bit on a single
I know how to cook, I know what I
> want to make from scratch and I don't need the likes of you telling me
> what to do, how to do it or where to spend my money. Get your own
> house in order first because you're as screwed up as Kuthe.
That's why normal people don't bother with them.