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Cabrito del Bosque Cabrito del Bosque is offline
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Default The Most Famous Vegetable Dish?

On 5/14/2015 4:29 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Thu, 14 May 2015 14:49:30 -0600, "W. Lohman" > wrote:
>> On 5/14/2015 2:35 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Thu, 14 May 2015 14:10:24 -0600, "W. Lohman" > wrote:
>>>> On 5/14/2015 12:32 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> On 5/14/2015 1:26 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>> I will be the first one to stand up for Bryan and defend that he is
>>>>>> NOT a "doofus". Not in any way, shape or form as they say.
>>>>> Yet the both of you carry on on like a couple of 8th grade girls.
>>>>> You've criticized his lack of education compared to your multiple degrees.
>>>> All that bragging - reads like classic narcissism to me...
>>> No, mine is disgnosed (and I agreed after I though about it) Bipolar
>>> Disorder.

>> That's odd, because you re exhibiting so very man of the same symptoms
>> as Bryan.

> Controlled does not mean eliminated.

I'll say!

> I am much more in control if
> myself now that I'm on a correct medication regimen for my Bipolar
> Disorder. Does not mean I'm not gonna be a PITA for YOU, means I'm
> much more in control of when, how much and if I do it.
> Bipolar is part of the fiber of my being. The uncontrolledness and
> wild anxiety of it was what I sought and got treatment for.

I'm glad for you, so why all the bragging still?

>>> And I'm on Seroquel for it which I just doubled the dosage I
>>> was taking to 100mg HS and called my doctor, and he agreed to change
>>> my prescrtiption to 100ms Seroquel HS. So I am well managed.

>> Why is it we need to hear that several times each day?

> Because I'm gonna inform anyone who accuses me as needed.

But that's not the way it's been.

You launch into statements of credentials out of the blue.

> You can
> choose not to read/interpret it again into your mind if you choose to.
> John Kuthe...

I'm telling you what you do and how you do it.

Your credentials I've already read and digested, pointless repetition of
them is simply a tune-out at this point.