Thread: Goat Roti 2002
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Mark Lipton
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Bill Spohn wrote:

> Beware, though. If an animal dies in fear for its life, you get a rush of
> adrenalin or some such that makes the meat taste strange - had a calf that fell
> off a pickup at the farm when we were moving it and broke it's neck - there
> followed the year (or damn near it) of odd tasting roasts - the ones we didn't
> manage to give away to friends, at least.

Tch, Bill. Have you never been apprised of the goings-on at
slaughterhouses? Those roasts at your butcher are from animals gently
euthanized? Back to Upton Sinclair for you, Bill! ;-)

> Guess you have to sneak up on them and whack 'em quick - at least that's what
> an elderly European farmer of wild boar tells me. Here, piggie, piggie......

Living here in the semi-rural Midwest, there is more than the occasional
car/deer contact on the roads hereabouts. A good friend who is a deer
hunter has been known to throw the accidentally clipped buck into the
back of the pickup (carefully tagging it, of course!), and some usually
finds its way to our freezer. Alas, corn-fed whitetail deer is not
nearly gamey enough for the likes of me (having been permanently spoiled
by my introduction to Rehrücken in Germany at age 9, though the
grass-fed red deer of NZ came close) but still goes well with the vinous
contents of the Stygian depths of Maison Lipton.

Mark Lipton