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Jeßus[_24_] Jeßus[_24_] is offline
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Posts: 46
Default Did not know this about potatoes.

On 17 May 2015 22:54:45 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2015-05-17, Jeßus > wrote:
>> They get rather prosaic with their descriptions of 'farm fresh' and
>> 'cage free'...

>Beware of the term "natural", too.

Yes, that's another one.

>> It's TOO damned cheap, you can't ethically produce chicken meat that
>> cheaply.

>Good cert organo chicken is $4lb (or much more) fer a whole bird. I
>jes spent $20 on a 5 lb chicken.

A little expensive maybe (yes, taking into account what I said earlier
about too cheap), but that's a pretty big bird (compared to what I see
on sale here at least).

Then there's the small matter of whether they are raised free range or
not... then the whole convoluted mess as to what the definition of
'free range' is, depending on the country. For the most part, what
passes as 'free range' these days is a bad joke.

It's only the economies of scale that keeps the prices for quality
chicken so high. If only more people could resist the lure of the
cheap and nasty chicken...