Trans fat ban
On 5/17/2015 10:28 PM, Spamito del Spammue wrote:
> Yo
Cut the act, spammy. You've been outed.
Typical spammyshitbrain response from a gutless coward WHO NEVER SERVED!
Gonna man up some day, you disgusting cowardly traitor?
Do you ever have anything of interest, or substance, to say?
You are a little dick bitch who feels like it is his civic duty as
a Usenet troll to place his nose firmly in the sphincters of those he
dislikes every time they post. They all own you, spammy, you useless
piece of SHIT!
'Shit happens'
---Traitorous Spammy's reply to the fact that 34 Americans
died and 170 were injured when Israel attacked the USS
Spammy is a gutless coward who has never served his country in