Thread: perogies?
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Petey the Wonder Dog
Posts: n/a

Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>I'm trying to figure out what "goes" with perogies to make a nice casual
>meal. What main/sides are normally served with these yummy little treats?

I haven't the slightest idea how to spell the word... but we pronounced
it something like chutka, with the ch being a non English sound. More
like a cough. Hopefully someone here knows the spelling.

It's finely ground liver with rice, rolled into a large sausage shape.
Maybe an aquired taste, but I love it. Used to get it in Perth Amboy
New Jersey.

Anyway, some of that, and a big dollop of ground red beets with

Some applesauce, sour cream and chives on the pierogy, and you got
yourself a blue collar feast.

Petey the Wonder Dog<< - - and don't EVEN forget the beer