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Default I love rotten food

Nancy Young wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> >
> > Nancy Young wrote:

> > I feel your pain! I've hit a deer 3 times so far, and done major damage
> > twice. I increased my co-pay to $400.00 and they backed off.

> Yeah, I keep with the $500 deductible. I'm of the mind that insurance
> is for large problems, same with medical. Not interested in filing
> a claim for every little thing.
> > During hunting season, I've learned to simply slow down when I know that
> > I'm in an area where there are deer,

> That has not helped. A deer actually jumped on the roof when I
> slowed down. It was standing still on the side of the road.
> nancy

<snort> Not very bright animals, are they? <G>

One of the ones I hit doubled back. I missed it the first time, but not
the second...


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