Victor Sack wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > OK, here's what I hauled over for the canning lots: Apricot butter.
> > Jams: Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry, Peach, Raspberry, Strawberry,
> > Apricot-Mango-Pineapple. Jellies: Blackberry, Crabapple, Pepper, Plum
> > Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry-Pomegranate, Cherry. Bread and Butter
> > Pickles. Watermelon Pickles. Peach-Apricot Chutney. Corn Relish.
> There is a conspicuous omission which will cost you a blue ribbon.
> Actually, it will probably cost you several - for the judges will be
> sorely disappointed, even depressed. Tant pis.
> Bubba
Of course tain't ****. It's pickled beets!
g, d, and r
gloria p