Thread: Kitchen sink
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>Michael Odom writes:
Nancy Young wrote:
>>PENMART01 wrote:
>>> >Nancy Young
>>> >
>>> >My porcelain ? kitchen sink gets dirty, then I have to scrub it.
>>> >Of course. Once in a while I'll put in a sinkful of hot water,
>>> >dish detergent and some bleach and give it the old soakaroonie.

>>> Um, they don't call it PORcelain for nothing... eventually those sinks

>>> PORous (from scrubbing).

>>Hence the question about the wax.
>>> personally I much
>>> prefer a quality stainless steel sink.

>>To each their own, I despise stainless steel in the kitchen.

>If it's really porcelain, then it's been fired to a vitreous state and
>will not be absorbant at all.

Once the fired surface of porcelain is abraded, scratched, or it's vitrified
surface otherwise violated it then is porous, same as when the surface of
ceramic tile or china dishes is abraded... polishing won't help as porcelain is
not homogenous all the way through like glass (porcelain iis fired in layers),
in fact any attempt at polishing will only make things worse. If it's a
valuable/antique porcelainized cast iron or vitrious china sink I'd strongly
recommend refininishing, the new methods actually produce a better surface than
the original. If it's an ordinary porcelain on steel sink then replace it,
those are cheapo crap.

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