Thread: Kitchen sink
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>Nancy Young
>It's over cast iron, I was told the double sink weighed well over
>200 pounds. I did not test this as I don't have a scale. But, it's
>It's a Koehler sink. I want to say that I'm not really having a
>problem, I apologize to all that I made it sound as if I was. All
>I thought was, do you think waxing it will keep it cleaner longer.
>There is nothing wrong with my sink. It's maybe 10 years old, if
>that. It's *fine* ... I just wondered if people waxed their sink.
>Just, dumping coffee and soda in it every day, along with the
>dishwasher thing, it adds up. Waxing it seemed like a good idea.

Koehler makes a fairly decent porcelainized cast iron sink but they are not
impervious to all things, they need to be properly cared for from day one.
Should have gotten more than ten years from the finish, but if one is abusive

I'd contact Koehler and ask what they recommend for renewing the sink's
surface... and also request a Care Manual.

Btw, permitting your dishwasher to back up into your sink is a big no-no... the
dishwashing compound will etch a sink's surface (porcelain or stainless). Even
if you install a brand new sink it will become etched in short order. There is
absolutely no reason whatsoever for a dishwasher to back up into a sink, yours
is installed *incorrectly*... call a licensed plumber.

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