Thread: Kitchen sink
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Dave Smith
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Nancy Young wrote:
> My porcelain ? kitchen sink gets dirty, then I have to scrub it.
> Of course. Once in a while I'll put in a sinkful of hot water,
> dish detergent and some bleach and give it the old soakaroonie.
> I think I should give it a coat of wax. Like, the old fashioned
> paste wax we used on our cars. To protect the finish.
> What do you think?

Enamel is a glossy substance to begin with, so waxing it is likely to
only be a temporary fix. You may have a built up of minerals on it that
are trapping dirt and grime. You might try something like CLR to wipe
away that stain and get back to the enamel.

We had a stain developing in the sink in our second bathroom. I was
accused of having cleaned paint brushes in it, and to be honest, it
really did look like it could have from doing something like that. I
tried abrasive cleaners and chlorine, at different times of course.
When I realized it might be a mineral buildup I tried CLR. It cleaned
it in seconds and stayed clean for almost a year before it started to
stain again. Our water is very hard.

There are services out there that will re-glaze enamel. Depending on
the age and quality of your sink, it may be easier to scrap it and
install a new one.