On 5/22/2015 8:24 PM, Username wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 5/22/2015 5:53 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 5/22/2015 9:43 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> says...
>>>>>>> ROTFL... 'very expensive'.
>>>>>>> How could it *possibly* be more expensive than buying cans of broth
>>>>>>> online - that's after you find them in stock, with the right or
>>>>>>> wrong
>>>>>>> coupon codes and whatever other convoluted bullshit you go
>>>>>>> through to
>>>>>>> buy food...
>>>>>> Well, how much does a chicken cost? I have no clue. I never buy
>>>>>> whole
>>>>>> chickens. And isn't that what you need for the broth? I can get two
>>>>>> cartons of broth for $4.00. That's 32 oz. of broth.
>>>>> You've paid $4.00 for a product that's mostly tapwater. I'd call
>>>>> that
>>>>> expensive water.
>>>>> Chicken stock costs me nothing because the chicken carcase (s),
>>>>> bits
>>>>> and vegetables are by products of other meals.
>>>>> From an rfc tip, I freeze all the carcases from our roast
>>>>> chickens and
>>>>> when I have several, make stock.
>>>>> Janet UK
>>>> She chose to buy her daughter a car rather than a freezer for food they
>>>> they might all eat. Then again, they don't actually sit down and eat.
>>>> Jill
>>> The ugliness you demonstrate here must make you an absolute pariah in
>>> your little community.
>> It is taking all of my strength not to just let into her and start
>> calling her some bad names. She is sorely tempting me.
> She's an old, bitter woman with out any friends, family or
> companionship. She's got nothing better to do than attack people on
> Usenet and you are her easiest target.
This is a succinct analysis.
The lack of friends can't possibly be related to her constant harping on
the Dataw menus...and perhaps other things there?