Prices have gone up!
On Sat, 23 May 2015 21:43:17 -0600, Janet B >
>On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:15:01 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>On Sat, 23 May 2015 21:06:33 -0600, Janet B >
>>> standard price here, at Winco, is $.99/lb for whole chickens. At
>>> Costco the price is $1.09. It's been that way for a year.
>>> The price relationship stays the same even if the price goes up. A
>>> year ago the price was $.89. I don't know what Albertsons and Fred
>>> Meyer charges. I only go to those stores when they have chicken
>>> breasts for $.99.
>>> Janet US
>>Whole chicken isn't priced like that here. Can't tell you what it is,
>>but it's not impressive. Bone in, skin on thighs are $1.29 lb and
>>that is a give away price for this area. I cook a lot of thigh meat,
>>so it's worthwhile to buy more than I cook in a week and freeze it.
>I just bought 15 pounds of thighs at Winco last week for $.99/lb..
>The interesting thing was there wasn't one whole chicken in the store.
>I figured I had better stock up on what I could get while I could.
>Janet US
Here there are mostly whole chickens, for some reason in rural areas
other than skinless/boneless breasts cut up chicken doesn't sell well.
Even the Super Walmarts near here sell mostly whole chicken. Even
though chicken is very inexpensive I don't buy much, if I buy four
roasters a year it's a lot, once I've handled raw poultry I lose my
appetite for it.