Thread: OT California
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT California

On 2015-05-24 2:23 PM, graham wrote:

>> You shut CA down, you shoot the rest of the country in the foot since CA
>> supplies a whole lot of food for the rest of the country. Yes, I can
>> imagine it, they are asking people to take military type showers
>> already, no more than 5 minutes start to finish, get wet, soap up, rinse
>> off.
>> Cheri

> 5 minutes is generous. I can shower in 3!
> Save water - Shower with a friend!

Even three is luxurious. I can do it in less than a minute. It helps to
have a hand held shower so you don't get a blast of cold water. I get
into the tub and turn the water on hot and use the cold water to wet the
soap and get lather up as the water is warming up. By the time I have
hot water I am ready to rinse.