Thread: OT California
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Cabrito del Bosque Cabrito del Bosque is offline
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Default OT California

On 5/24/2015 4:20 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-05-24 1:34 PM, wrote:

> That can lead to flooding when there is rain.

Nope, there are plenty of Xeric ground covers that are low water use.

> As cities get larger and
> larger and buildings,roads and parking lots cover more and more of the
> ground, there is less ground surface exposed to absorb and hold water.
> Then we get people paving their yards instead of having lawns.

Honestly...I have not seen anyone here paving their yards.

> When the heavy rains come the water just runs downhill, flooding the lower
> elevations for a short time, and the water disappears downstream.

That's what good storm sewers and drainage are designed for.