OhSojourner > wrote:
> I was reading some recipes for Eccles cakes, which are a pastry from England.
> http://www.hwatson.force9.co.uk/cook...ing/eccles.htm
> They call for "currants" and "chopped mixed peel".
> Now, I assume "currants" is just another word for raisins, but I'm unsure of
> the latter ingredient. Does this imply already prepackaged preserved and/or
> candied peel, or would I actually grate the peel from fresh citrus fruit? And
> if it's preserved peel, would most supermarkets carry it? Thanks in advance
> for your help!
Currants are close to raisins but not really synonymous, as they refer
to dried seedless Corinth grapes specifically and are smaller than
either generic raisins or sultanas. They are mainly used for baking.
Mixed peel is candied lemon and orange peel.