Thread: OT California
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Cabrito del Bosque Cabrito del Bosque is offline
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Default OT California

On 5/24/2015 4:47 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:24:58 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> There are actually plans to capture and to icebergs to China for water,
>> no kidding.

> All that was "floated" during the last big one 40 years ago.


Every few years for the past couple centuries, even before the
large-scale cultivation of marijuana, this idea occurs to someone: What
if we towed an iceberg from the poles, where there are no people, to
some dry, populous place and then melted it into freshwater?

In some cases, that person has ginned up a company to try to make it
happen. In others, they've written reports for the RAND Corporation or
turned the idea into the basis for a thriller mass market paperback.

Long-distance iceberg towing is one of those ideas that will not die but
never really springs to life either. It exists in a kind of
technological purgatory, dressed up in whatever technology is
fashionable during an epoch and resold to a happily gullible media.

This happened again this week when Georges Mougin told the world that
newfangled computer models just happened to confirm what he'd long
thought: that icebergs could be transported economically to Africa.