Thread: OT California
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default OT California

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 10:13 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 24/05/2015 9:18 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> "graham" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 24/05/2015 7:55 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>>>> "graham" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On 24/05/2015 4:51 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 18:30:57 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2015-05-24 2:23 PM, graham wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> You shut CA down, you shoot the rest of the country in the foot
>>>>>>>>>> since CA
>>>>>>>>>> supplies a whole lot of food for the rest of the country. Yes,
>>>>>>>>>> I can
>>>>>>>>>> imagine it, they are asking people to take military type showers
>>>>>>>>>> already, no more than 5 minutes start to finish, get wet, soap
>>>>>>>>>> up,
>>>>>>>>>> rinse
>>>>>>>>>> off.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>>>>>> 5 minutes is generous. I can shower in 3!
>>>>>>>>> Save water - Shower with a friend!
>>>>>>>> Even three is luxurious. I can do it in less than a minute. It
>>>>>>>> helps
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> have a hand held shower so you don't get a blast of cold water.
>>>>>>>> I get
>>>>>>>> into the tub and turn the water on hot and use the cold water to
>>>>>>>> wet
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> soap and get lather up as the water is warming up. By the time I
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> hot water I am ready to rinse.
>>>>>>> It's pretty easy when you're bald and don't shave in the shower.
>>>>>> You DON'T need to shave your legs!
>>>>>> Graham
>>>>> You might be used to farm animals, but I prefer my legs shaved.
>>>>> Cheri
>>>> I can't understand the aversion N.American women have towards leg and
>>>> armpit hair. It must be the result of conditioning by admass!
>>>> Graham
>>> As an American male I am pretty averse to it myself. Carry on, ladies.

>> So you've been indoctrinated too!
>> Graham

> Yo, bigfoot, wassup with the hairy lifestyle?

He probably has hooves that don't need tending.
