Question about British pastry terminology
"OhSojourner" wrote in message > I was reading some recipes for Eccles
cakes, which are a pastry from England.
> They call for "currants" and "chopped mixed peel".
> Now, I assume "currants" is just another word for raisins, but I'm unsure
> the latter ingredient. Does this imply already prepackaged preserved
> candied peel, or would I actually grate the peel from fresh citrus fruit?
> if it's preserved peel, would most supermarkets carry it? Thanks in
> for your help!
Currants are used a lot in English cooking. They are much smaller than
raisins - you can often find them in the US under the Sun Maid label.
Mixed peel is the same as the packaged mixed peel sold in the U.S. It's
found in my supermarket mostly at this time of year, to be used in fruit
cakes. You would not need to grate it from fresh fruit.