Thread: OT California
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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default OT California

"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in news:mjvifa$rnl$1@dont-

>>>>> It takes one gallon of water to grow an almond, but 3.3
>>>>> gallons of water to grow a tomato. Almonds sell at a premium
>>>>> compared to tomatoes.
>>>> That is cracker economics at its most risible. You cannot
>>>> grow a single almond, you have to grow a tree which will
>>>> produce many almonds (I would imagine close to 100 almonds
>>>> per tree if my experience in Andalucia is similar), each if
>>>> them requiring a "gallon" (or more accurately 4 litres) of
>>>> water. You can however grow a few tomatoes instead of a
>>>> hundred.
>>> One almond tree produces thousands of almonds.

>> In one batch or over the life of the tree? .

> One season. 2,670 shelled pounds per acre in 2011.

Interesting. Any numbers on the percentage of production
converted to almond milk? It was practically unknown a few
years ago and now it's everywhere. It has given dairy
intolerants a leg up over gluten intolerants.


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