OT California
On 5/25/2015 2:27 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:35:36 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> Or maybe it was in February, when a headline in Mother Jones blared, "It
>> takes how much water to grow an almond?!" (Profoundly misleading answer:
>> 1.1 gallons per nut.)
> I think that was also when they (not necessarily Mother Jones) told us
> that the orchards are irrigated by flooding. I don't know how much
> truth there is to that though.
If they do, what happens to all the water? Some would go into the
ground where it is purified and finds itself in a well as drinking water.
Sometimes we forget, the same water had been around forever. You may be
drinking the same water that Jesus drank so then you can skip going to
There is also enough water to take care of all of our needs, but it is
not in the places where we want it. Would be nice to move some of that
Texas flood water to CA.