Thread: OT California
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Jeßus[_26_] Jeßus[_26_] is offline
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Default OT California

On Mon, 25 May 2015 17:45:06 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:

>Julie Bove wrote:
>>Ophelia wrote:
>>>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, I have completely given up my deep baths, and have been doing the
>>>>>> short showers. Also saving the water for potted plants, using small
>>>>>> containers for washing dishes, instead of dishwasher, and cutting down
>>>>>> with the washing machine,
>>>> Fully loaded, a dishwasher uses less water than other methods.
>>> I remember many years ago in England when we had a very hot summer and
>>> water was rationed, a friend was shown in the local newspaper because she
>>> had hooked up a pipe to channel her bath water down into her garden

>>Some people do that here.

>Bath water/laundry water (gray water) is fine for gardening... where
>do people think plants grow... in DIRT!

Yes... but what's the connection there between toxins and dirt?

>Actually water used for
>cleaning dirty clothes/dishes/bodies makes good fertilzer. Lots of
>people plant their vegetable gardens over their sceptic leaching
>field, hurts nothing... all kinds of critters poop and pee in my
>vegetable garden, same as they do on all farm land. Plants are very
>selective in which nutrients they absorb... it's only particular man
>made chemicals that cause a negative affect, like pesticides,
>herbicides, and manufacturing waste... when a possum, raccoon, rodent,
>bird, even a cat poops in my garden I consider it a gift. I apply no
>chemicals but my lawn is lusher, greener, and healthier than anything
>Scotts Turf Builder/Weed & Feed can do... you can eat a salad of my
>lawn greens and never become ill from it... the same critters that
>fertilize my lawn are the ones that constantly eat my lawn. Next time
>you drink milk remember that those cows eat the same greens they poop
>and pee on. Freshly mowed two days ago, no chemicals but lots of
>critter poops, even hummingbird poops:
>See those two crab apple trees, both bought together and planted
>together ten years ago, both same size seedlings in pots... guess
>which one is planted nearer the discharge pipe of my sceptic field: