Not a good grocery shop today.
"The Other Guy" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 25 May 2015 19:58:29 -0700, "Julie Bove" >
> wrote:
>> Sodas are one thing I would love
>>to buy a lot of when cheap but I drink Diet Coke with Lime and most of the
>>time I am hard pressed to be able to even find 3 or 4 on the shelf. The
>>stores here seem to all require the customer to buy a certain amount or
>>can't get the sale price. I did get lucky once and was able to get the
>>rep to get me some from the back. And another time a Safeway clerk got me
>>some from the back. But most of the time, I haven't got the time to hunt
>>down a clerk to ask or to go to customer service. And then when I do ask,
>>the response is often that there is no more. But I have also been told by
>>the Coke rep that just because there might be more, doesn't mean that it
>>will be easy to get to.
> I'm like that with diet Dr Pepper, HARD to find much on some trips.
Yes! My mom drinks that but only in the bottles. And not the 2 liter
bottles. When we do find it, it is rarely on sale. My husband and daughter
will drink it so I do buy some. They will actually drink pretty much
anything *except* for Diet Coke with Lime. So I really never have any
trouble finding something for them at a good price.
> So I LOUDLY call out "assistance in the soda aisle", and I GET help.
> Sometimes there IS more in the back, sometimes not. But at least
> I've tried.
> I'll go with cherry Coke Zero if necessary, but THAT isn't available
> here in 2 liter bottles, so I do sometimes have to go with cans. If
> there is a sale on, it's usually buy 2, get 2 free, sometimes just
> a bit better. But cans do cost more than 2 liter bottles in any case.
I can't stand the Coke Zero. Plain Diet Coke is okay and I will also drink
Sprite Zero or the Diet Cherry 7 Up. I also like the Cherry Limeade from
Walmart but they don't often seem to have that. I need my caffeine though
and those things without it are only good every once in a while for me.