Thread: OT California
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT California

On 5/26/2015 5:16 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-05-26 1:24 PM, wrote:
>> The other thing I had against that was spending time getting it fixed,
>> there's only me and I find it boring as hell sitting around in a
>> waiting room, generally with blaring television on a sports channel


Uh oh, I'm disclosing more personal information. LOL Funny but there is
a TV in the waiting room where I work and half the time it is not turned
on. If it is, it's at a low volume and definitely not a blaring sports
channel. There are plenty of current magazines on the tables in the
waiting room. Half the time the people I see sitting in there are texting.

> You can always drop it off for repairs and go home until it is ready.

True, Dave. That happens a lot where I work. People often have someone
meet them there. They leave one car and drive off together. Maybe they
go out to lunch or out shopping.
