Thread: OT California
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Jeßus[_26_] Jeßus[_26_] is offline
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Posts: 98
Default OT California

On Tue, 26 May 2015 20:07:04 -0300, wrote:

>On Wed, 27 May 2015 08:55:20 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Tue, 26 May 2015 14:28:00 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:
>>>On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 4:16:24 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2015-05-26 1:24 PM,
>>>> >
>>>> > The other thing I had against that was spending time getting it fixed,
>>>> > there's only me and I find it boring as hell sitting around in a
>>>> > waiting room, generally with blaring television on a sports channel
>>>> >
>>>> You can always drop it off for repairs and go home until it is ready.
>>>That's true at most dealerships but a neighborhood garage doesn't provide transportation to and from your house. At least few I've dealt with
>>>Taxis ain't cheap. :-(

>>On the other hand, the money you would save by taking your car to a
>>neighbourhood garage instead of a dealership would probably compensate
>>for the cost of a taxi.

>I trust dealerships about as far as I can throw them.

Wise choice there.

>However they do
>offer shuttle service, I can say that about them.

True. We do have some mechanic workshops here that offer 'courtesy
cars', but they are rare.