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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Not a good grocery shop today.

Julie Bove wrote in

> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Je_us wrote in
> >
> > > On Mon, 25 May 2015 15:44:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
> > >
> >>> In your opinion it is good. The bread that I make takes many
> >>> hours. Not 5 minutes and as I have said many times before, I do
> >>> not like bread from a bread machine.
> > >
> > > So, you have somewhere to buy bread just like the bread that
> > > takes you five hours to bake? If not, then the comparison is
> > > invalid.

> >
> > I am having fun trying to imagine a bread maker so bad that it takes
> > them actually 5 hours actual time to make bread. With a bread
> > machine, you spend 5 minutes of your time for a basic bread. If
> > you take it out in dough mode and bake it outside of the machine to
> > rolls and such, add 10 minutes.
> >

> As I have said countless times before. I had a bread machine. I
> don't have it any more. I hated the thing on so many levels. I
> tried using it several times and it only ever produced one loaf that
> was edible. But the loaves were rather useless. The design made a
> strange, tiny loaf with a hole in the bottom. Could not be used for
> sandwiches ever.

In other words, you chose to not learn how to use it which is fine.
Many prefer to hand make it. People with a little patience do learn
them well and they are time savers.

> And I had to keep babysitting it becaue it moved all over the
> counter. It was very noisy too.

Put a towel under it.

> > It was a given that rising time is needed. ANYONE who makes bread
> > knows that.

> And that would have to be factored into the time. Right? I remember
> when my parents got their first microwave. My mom had a cookbook and
> it said you could make fudge in something like 10 minutes. My
> brother wanted me to make it. I did. Imagine his disappointment
> when I took it out, put it in a pan and then it had to chill for many
> hours. He thought it would be ready to eat when I took it out.

Well be real Julie. You don't make '5 hour bread'. That indicates you
were working on the bread for all that 5 hours. In reality, you
probably took a nap or something and all that.

With a machine in dough mode, you load it in 5-10 minutes (depends on
the recipe) then come back 1.5-2 hours later to shape it to loaves,
rise another hour or so then bake.

> >
> > Contact time is less with a machine. Results are better than store
> > bread by far.

> Who cares? And no, mine certainly wasn't better at all.

Thats because you didn't learn how to use the tool. It's not the fault
of the tool.
