Thread: OT California
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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default OT California

On 5/28/2015 2:13 PM, Username wrote:
> Je�us wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 May 2015 18:46:38 -0400, Username >
>> wrote:
>>> Je?us wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 26 May 2015 19:15:23 -0400, Username >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/26/2015 5:28 PM, wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 4:16:24 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2015-05-26 1:24 PM,
>>>>>>>>> The other thing I had against that was spending time getting it
>>>>>>>>> fixed,
>>>>>>>>> there's only me and I find it boring as hell sitting around in a
>>>>>>>>> waiting room, generally with blaring television on a sports
>>>>>>>>> channel
>>>>>>>> You can always drop it off for repairs and go home until it is
>>>>>>>> ready.
>>>>>>> That's true at most dealerships but a neighborhood garage doesn't
>>>>>>> provide transportation to and from your house.
>>>>>> I never knew a dealership that offered free transportation, either.
>>>>>>> Taxis ain't cheap. :-(
>>>>>> Taxis aren't available everywhere, either.
>>>>> Hyundai dealerships probably don't offer that service.
>>>> I'm guessing that's supposed to be derogatory. There's nothing wrong
>>>> with late model Hyundais, in fact they're a lot better designed and
>>>> built than Australian or American built cars, for example.
>>> I agree but how do *you* define "late model"?

>> Well, within the last 5 years?

> I agree that 2010 and later Hyundais are fine cars. In their earlier
> days they were less than stellar.

I loved my 06 Hyundai Sonata. Comfortable, with 240 HP, ESC, a full set
of airbags, and looks that won't draw a lot of attention. Just my kind
of car. The sound system was the best I ever had. I could hear Jimi's
fingers on the strings when blasting "Hey Joe." What's not to love? The
car was assembled in Alabama, and they did an awesome job. In my awesome
opinion, Toyota is dead meat - well, maybe not but could be! :-)

>>> I didn't know Australia
>>> had a car brand.

>> Holden and Ford is all that's left in Aus, and both of those will
>> thankfully be gone soon too.

> Not Australian. US cars built in Australia.