Thread: OT California
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default OT California

"taxed and spent" > wrote in message
> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "gtr" > wrote in message
>> news:2015052711554471197-xxx@yyyzzz...
>>> On 2015-05-25 02:03:07 +0000, Paul M. Cook said:
>>>>> since a four year drought is pretty common here in California, and we
>>>>> have tripled our population without adding any more storage capacity,
>>>>> I would say we need more storage.
>>>> We're in a 100 year drought. No amount of planning would have helped.
>>> That's a pretty neat political conclusion.
>>> Nothing could have been done over 100 years to make better our current
>>> circumstance? I can see no reason why anything can every be done.
>>> Turn off the lights when you leave.

>> Show me a repug who when asked if we should spend money on a 200 year
>> drought reservoir system that does not scream "SOCIALISM!!!!!" and we can
>> talk.

> I think the real problem is the enviro wackos, and the fact that
> California is spending more than it receives on excessive salaries,
> benefits, and retirements (largely unfunded) to government workers,
> excessive pay to state contractors, and spending all sorts of money to pay
> people not to work. No funds left for infrastructure.

Isn't it always the massively powerful greenies? I mean they control the
whole state government.

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