Thread: OT California
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT California

On 2015-05-29 6:44 PM, dsi1 wrote:

>> Yes yes I know... but it was the 5th gear you were talking about being
>> some sort of major problem for you, and most drivers tend to do a lot of
>> shifting in lower gears, in the sort of traffic conditions you encounter
>> in cities. That should preclude 5th gear, which most cars only need at
>> higher, constant speeds. It is not the gear you be shifting in and out
>> of frequently in normal traffic.

> I disagree about the 5th gear being so special that you can't use it but
> everybody drives differently. Obviously, it's possible because I used to
> shift into 5th frequently in town. It's hardly a fault of mine if you
> don't know how and when to do this. I was also gentle on the clutch
> i.e., I kept the clutch temperatures down by engaging it early on and
> reducing slippage. It's just another advanced technique I used. Man, I'm
> good!

Yep. You are a legend in your own mind.