On 5/29/2015 5:37 PM, Becca EmaNymton wrote:
> On 5/26/2015 4:36 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/25/2015 10:39 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 5/25/2015 8:15 AM, Gary wrote:
>>>> My only point was when you rent and move out you get nothing back
>>>> (except for maybe your deposit). If you ever sell your house, you will
>>>> get a decent chunk of change to add to your bank account. Your parents
>>>> left you a decent amount but you won't actually get it until you sell.
>>> Yes, when Jill dies she will be rich!
>> Of course I will. Actually, I'm trying to figure out who to leave the
>> house to if I die. I'm thinking The Tabby House, which is the cat
>> extension of the Beaufort County Animal Shelter.
I don't think
>> they'd be charged membership dues. They could just choose to sell it
>> for next to nothing. Or open a cat adoption annex of the shelter.
>> Jill
> Jill, I have sons and they have no interest in inheriting my jewelry,
> cedar chests, antiques, etc., so I have no idea who I will leave that
> to. Maybe one of my nieces would be interested, though.
> Becca
I'd still suggest you spell some things out. In writing. With
witnesses. It's merely a good idea.