Why Costco might never raise prices on $4.99 chickens, $1.50hot dogs
Dave Smith wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> On 2015-05-31 4:12 PM, cshenk wrote:
> > Back before i got my own rotisserie machine, they used to sell them
> > at the local stores in 3 sizes. Small (1.5 lbs or so), Medium
> > (2.5-3) and large (4.5-5). Haven't bothered to check in years
> > since making your own is so much better than anything you can get
> > at the store.
> I have never seen different sized birds offered in the same store
> here, though some stores tend to use larger birds than the others.
> FWIW, I like to do them on the rotisserie on my gas grill and I buy
> the birds at the store that cooks and sells the smallest rotisserie
> birds because I like to do the small ones that are just enough for
> one generous portion for each of us. They cook quickly and they are
> delicious.
It's probably area dependant there for the different sizes in one
store. If you think about it, if you kept going to store A because the
size of the bird fit your family, store B is apt to notice and may
start selling 2 sizes to get you back.
I have a home vertisserie (vertial unit) that can hold up to a 4.5lb
bird but I normally want 2lbs or a bit less in there for our needs.
> BTW.... if cooking your own your should try the recipe my wife loves
> for me to do. Stick a quartered medium sized onion into a FP with a
> clove or three of garlic, a spoonful of cumin, some salt and pepper
> and mush it. Smear it inside and over the bird and let it sit for
> an hour. Stick it in the rotisserie and baste with melted butter or
> olive oil.
Grin, can't do that in my unit though it sounds good. It's a trade off
of small footprint to store it, and ability to stuff. You pretty much
need a horizontal unit for what you describe or a larger vertical one
where you can neck down the chicken off prongs (which I do not have).
Don't worry. I am happy with the unit I got in 2003 or so. Back then,
it was the only brand but since then, the rotisserie makers are at last
selling similar counter top ones that take little space. They seem to
lack the metal crockpot top mine has where you fix a side dish at the
same time though.