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Default The Price of Ancho Chiles at Whole Foods! Unbelievable!

Frogleg > wrote in message >. ..
> On 21 Nov 2003 10:01:55 -0800, (-L.) wrote:
> >"Mike Pearce" > wrote

> >> "Kate B" > wrote
> >>
> >> >I grab some anchos and proceed to stuff them
> >> > (literally) into the tiny bags they provide and am diligently writing down
> >> > the bin number when I notice the price they are asking for anchos. $28
> >> > dollars per pound!?? Huh? Did anchos suddenly become rare and precious?
> >> >
> >> > I drive about a mile west to a Mexican market that I like and they are
> >> > selling anchos for $3.69 per pound. Sheez! The anchos at Whole Foods
> >> > weren't labeled as organic and even if they were this couldn't possibly
> >> > justify such a price differential.
> >>
> >>
> >> Whole Foods is ridiculously expensive. Their quality in generally better
> >> than a regular supermarket, but not that much better. Ethnic markets are
> >> definitely the way to go for things like dried chiles.

> >
> >Depends on where you live. In some parts of the country, the produce
> >at regular grocers is so bad, WF is the only source for anything that
> >looks edible.
> >
> >WF is expensive, but their selection of food items is wonderous and
> >amazing. I shop there for the experience more than the products -
> >seeing what is on the market in terms of specialty products, organic
> >products and little-known products. I also like their deli.

> Even in the blue-collar wilderness of SE Virginia, I just got some
> anchos for $3.99/lb yesterday. And I sure don't shop "for the
> experience."

That's too bad. They have some wonderful products I can't seem to find elsewhere.

>No Whole Foods here, but I'm not sorry after hearing
> Kate's story.

You don't know what you are missing.

>As her follow-up noted, these *weren't* organic,
> hydroponic, nourished entirely on cricket poop in some elegant island
> setting where they were washed each day by gentle tropical breezes.
> They were plain ol' ancho peppers.

And nobody at WF forces you to buy them, do they?
