WardNA wrote:
> > Usually, discarded meat has to be burned by
> >law, but they just feed it to the vultures. :-)
> A fine, Zoroastrian sensibility!
Wildlife rescue inc. is probably one of the best, most sensible bunch of
people I've ever met. They are one of the few charities I regularly
donate to! I'm not spamming for them, (it's not my place) but if anyone
in Central Texas wants to get involved with a worthy cause, I'd highly
recommend them. We do "ambulance service" for them from our area as
often as we can. We are now the only ones left in the San Marcos area
that will take on the wild critters. :-( Strictly voluntary and
unpaid... It's been very rewarding. If I get a donation with a critter,
it goes to _them_ with the animal. I don't keep the money.
>^,,^< Cats-haven Hobby Farm >^,,^< >^,,^<
"There are millions of intelligent species in the universe, and they are
all owned by cats" -- Asimov
Custom handcrafts, Sterling silver beaded jewelry