On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 9:07:49 AM UTC+10, Sqwertz wrote:
> It also NOT the classic 8" blade in the picture. It's the chef's extra
> wide blade with the thinner spine - which they also failed to mention.
> If you click the link in their article you're led to the Amazon page
> for the Henckles International 8" *regular* blade. The one they have
> in the article's picture is THIS one:
> http://www.cutleryandmore.com/zwilli...-knife-p131252
Nice looking knife. I'd consider trading my 9" Wusthof for one (though Wusthof do their steel a bit harder).
The one in the article isn't that wide; it's one of the non-extra-wide in the same range.
(If I was to buy another Western chef's knife, I'd go for the Fallkniven Blue Whale. I like hard knife steel.)