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alzelt wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> alzelt wrote:
>>> Peter Aitken wrote:
>>>> There are significant differences between types of potatoes. If you
>>>> make potato salad from bakers (russets) you'll end up with an
>>>> unappealing mess that is more mayo-flavored mashed potatoes than
>>>> potato salad. Red bliss give much better results being firmer and
>>>> giving you chunks of potato that stay whole when mixed with the
>>>> other ingredients. Yukon gold are not as firm but have a nice
>>>> flavor.
>>> I would have agree with you 100% until I received the Latest "Cooks
>>> Illustrated." Lo and behold, they argue for the lowly russet. Go
>>> figure (or read the article).

>> So a CI article that contradicts your personal experience is enough to
>> change your mind? That's interesting.
>> Best regards,
>> Bob

> Now where did I say anything like that? I merely mentioned what they
> said. Or is that illegal?

Maybe I read it wrong. You said, "I would have agree with you 100%
until I received the latest..."

I wasn't trying to start a fight, I just thought your Cooks remark was
very odd.

Best regards,