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Boston: New nonprofit store sells donated surplus food
On 6/7/2015 5:55 PM, La Mirada wrote:
> "Julie Bove" > Wrote in message:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>> From WBUR. Some of the prices don't sound any better than what I can get at
>> the discount rack at Market Basket (canned goods, in that section) or at
>> Haymarket (produce; that's only on Fridays and Saturdays) but if I can get a
>> deal on baking chocolate and walnuts, it might be worth a trip every two
>> months or so. I wonder how many other cities have stores like this.
>> By Curt Nickisch
>> First paragraphs:
>> Is it worth buying groceries at a steep discount if they have a shorter
>> shelf life? A new grocery store in Dorchester is finding out. It opened its
>> doors Thursday with shelves full of surplus and aging food.
>> Called Daily Table, the nonprofit grocery store just outside of Codman
>> Square is selling canned vegetables two for $1, a dozen eggs for 99 cents,
>> and potatoes at 49 cents a pound.
>> "That's good. It's cheap!" Noemi Sosa says, marveling at the prices that for
>> Boston are phenomenally low. Most of the stock is donated by food
>> wholesalers and markets. It either didn't sell, or it's surplus.
>> "As you can see right here we've got a pile of bananas at 29 cents a pound,"
>> explains Doug Rauch, the former Trader Joe's president who founded Daily
>> Table. "They're Chiquita bananas, there's no little black spots on them.
>> Those probably have another three or four days before you start to go, 'Oh,
>> banana bread!'"
>> Rauch was frustrated by the amount of nutritious food that went into
>> dumpsters at Trader Joe's just because it was nearing its sell-by date.
>> Meanwhile, millions of people don't eat very well. But Rauch had to fight
>> the critics, who said he was just dumping food rejected by rich people on
>> the poor...
>> (snip)
>> Lenona.
>> ---
>> If you are not brand loyal, you can get canned for around 60 to 65 cents a
>> can at Winco. That's the cheapest regular price I have seen. One store did
>> have some on sale for less with a coupon but there was a limit on how many
>> you could buy.
> How many was that?