Box fan home jerky
On Mon, 08 Jun 2015 16:07:03 -0600, Janet B >
> My daughter sent me some from NM when she was there, but it was a
> jalapeno product. You can get Hatch dried. Same rule applies. Dried
> and ground does lose the oomph.
There aren't a lot of Hatch products where I shop. There were none
until the merger and now there are some. Canned. Two or three at the
most. Not a lot of Southerners here. They seem to be the people who
love Hatch. Come to think of it, I don't see dried Hatch products in
San Jose either. Just two or three canned products and of course,
fresh when it's in season. I'm happy with Anaheims though. Hatch is
fine, but I'm not so in love with them that I would gladly pay more
just because it's Hatch. I've tried to understand the mystique. I
bought my first Hatch chiles still warm from a road side roaster in
Taos and transported them back to SF to process at home. They were
delicious and had a special flavor that I don't get roasting my own
fresh Hatch chiles at home.