low carb recipes
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Tony Lew
Posts: n/a
(T E) wrote in message >...
> Wed, Aug 18, 2004, 3:36pm
(zuuum) Wrote:
> For what it's worth, excessively high-protein diets wear your kidneys
> out prematurely. Carbohydrates are the base of the nutritional pyramid.
> All foods are converted... unless they get stored as fat. Even excess
> protein calories will be stored as fat.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> response" You spoke the truth plain and simple.
> The low carb diets have been a blessing to diabetics like me adding
> products such as DreamFields pasta, low crab crackers, etc. instead of
> the high carb version BUT my dr. told me if I even gave a thought about
> following Atkins diet like a few diabetics have taken upon them selves
> to do I would be dead in 6 months.
You and your doctor should check out
You will find a miracle - dozens of dead people who post regularly.
> Speaking of low carb products Trader Joe"s is now selling a version of
> Bisquic dry mix for pancakes, biscuits, etc.
> Friend whose young child is type 1 has tried the product with very good
> results plus mix is very low in fat content.
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