"limey" > wrote in message
> " john malins" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Anyone know how to make bread pud like we used to have when I was a kid
> > which was x60 years ago.We all had a hand in making it, we all put hands
> in
> > to squeeze the wet bread. it was the only time our hands got clean! I
> > remember that in addition to the old stale bread there was suet, sugar ,
> > mixed fruit,black treacle, put into a 2"deep baking pan , sprinkled
> > sugar . eaten with custard or cold I'm not sure if I have got the
> > ingredients right, and I cannot remember the cooking time/temperature it
> was
> > a great comfort food in the post war years of London regards john.m
> >
> How well I remember those years. Here's a recipe from my cousin for a
> typical bread pudding:
> Bread Pudding
> 8 ounces of stale bread
> 4 ounces raisins or currants
> 2 ounces brown sugar (you could try the treacle)
> 2 ounces finely chopped suet
> 1 ounce finely chopped peel
> 1/2 teaspoon (total) mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves)
> 1 egg
> A little milk
> Break bread into small pieces and soak in cold water for 30 minutes.
> Squeeze as dry as possible. Put into a basin and beat smooth.
> Add fruit, sugar, suet, peel and spice and mix well. Add egg and enough
> milk for the mixture to drop easily from a spoon. Put in a greased tin
> bake in a 335ºF. oven for about 1 hour. When done, turn on to a hot dish,
> dredge with sugar and serve with custard.
> Dora
> Yes Dora , that was the one I remember ,I had forgotten about the spice I
will buy some cheaper bread when I go shopping today and have a go at making
it. which will add to my waistline! I bit of social history/family history
we used x4 large loaves of bread a day and as far as can remember there were
up to x10 children in our family ,I say up, to because the older ones were
leaving home at the same when new kids were being born.so cooking was a
major task which we all got involved in,I learnt to cook at about 12 years
old and used to cook the whole Sunday lunch,we called it dinner with
afters(sweet) ...john.m